Dataviz for Scientists

Slides for the data visualization part of the 2023 Hackathon Workshop on Computational Modeling at the University of Embu, Kenya.


Day 1

  1. Instant Knowledge
  2. Quick history of Dataviz
  3. The Grammar of Graphics
  4. Exploratory Data Analysis

Day 2

  1. Better Graphs - Part I
  2. Better Graphs - Part II


Besides the slides, you can consult any of these open access books on the topics of data analysis, statistics, programming and data visualization. The authors of those books made them open access, so they can be consulted online anytime.


This work is licensed by Otho Mantegazza under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. For more information about the non-original bits and pieces, please check the file LICENSE on this course’s Github repo.


Big thanks to Giorgia Ditano for the help and support in reviewing the course material.